Corn Patty (Perkedel Jagung)

- 150 grams of wheat flour
- 2 medium sweet corn
- 4 eggs
- 1,5 teaspoon of Salt
- 3 red onion
- 2 cloves of medium garlic
- ¼ teaspoon of black pepper
- ¼ tablespoon of sugar
- Frying oil
- 3 red chili
Method :
- First, you blend the red chili, garlic, onion together.
- Put the sweet corn with flour, and the eggs in a bowl.
- Give the black pepper, sugar and the salt into the corn.
- Heat the frying oil in frying pan.
- Fry the corn until it become golden.
- And your corn patty are ready to be eaten
Corn patty is better to eat if we eat soup or eat rice with family at home or even with friends.
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