Beautiful Fruits Filling Cake From Pancake

Beautiful fruit cake from Pancake

Beautiful Fruits Filling Cake From Pancake

Ingredients And Steps:

2 Eggs
2-3 tablespoons Sugar,
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
A pinch of Salt
300 ml milk (add gradually, set aside some)
180 gr of Flour
20 gr Cocoa powder
Mix well
Add all of the milk
200 ml boiling water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Leave for 20 minutes

Grease pan once with vegetable oil
Fry on both sides over medium/low heat
15 g gelatin + 100 ml cold water
Leave for 5 minutes

700 grams of Sour cream
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
120-150 g powdered sugar
Mix well

250-300g canned peaches
Form 20 cm, cover with cling film
Dissolve gelatin and carefully add to the sour cream, mix well
Wrap the pancake to form small sides
Dissolve gelatin and carefully add to the sour cream, mix well
convenient to use small cups
2-3 tbsp cream
some fruits
~ 150 g pitted cherries
5-6 tablespoons cream
Tightly lay out the “pouches” in the form for the cake
leftover fruit
pour the rest of the cream
Cover with a pancake and tuck in the edges
cover tightly with cling film
Refrigerate overnight

100 grams of chocolate
2.5 tablespoons of milk
15 grams of butter
heat to melt the chocolate, mix well
Cover the cake completely with chocolate ganache
can be placed in the fridge for 10 minutes

Incredibly tasty and beautiful cake is ready!

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Author: Angie dreaht