Broccoli apple carrot juice Sweet

jus wortel

Broccoli apple carrot juice

For those who do not have problems with the eyes, the benefits of carrot juice for the eyes is to treat the beauty of the eyeball so it looks more clear, clear, and glowing. Of course this is very supportive appearance and make you more confident when face to face with others.

Broccoli apple carrot juice
Broccoli apple carrot juice

Ingredients :

200gr carrots
200gr apples
150gr broccoli
How to make :

Take carrot, apple, and broccoli juice with a juice extractor or with a blender
Mix all ingredients, stirring slowly until smooth
Before serving, store in the refrigerator or add ice cubes to make it fresh
Fruit carrot juice
Ingredients :

300gr fresh carrots
100gr papaya ripe
Ice shaved when likes

How to make :

Take the carrot juice or juice extractor juice
Prepare the blender, put the pieces of papaya fruit into it
Add carrot juice, puree
Serve immediately with additional shaved ice

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Author: Angie dreaht