Recipe Sweet Mango Juice Without Sugar

Mango Juice Without Sugar

Drinking juice is very useful for our bodies, to stay strong and our stamina remains fit there is a good idea we often eat vegetables or drink a lot of water.
Coupled with eating fruit, if you can not eat the fruit directly it’s good you process it into juice.

Mango Juice Without Sugar


  • 1 mango (peeled, diced, discarded)
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 cup shaved ice
  • 1/4 cup coconut water
  • Mint leaves (to taste)

How to make:

  • Mix the fruit of mango, shaved ice and honey.
  • Blend all ingredients using a blender.
  • Pour into a glass filled with coconut water.
  • Stir well, place the mint leaves on top of the mango juice.
  • Serve while still fresh and fresh.
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Author: Angie dreaht