Recipes Peanut Chocolate Cake Delicious

Peanut Chocolate Cake

Peanut Chocolate Cake


150 grams dark chocolate
30 grams of chocolate powder
120 ml of liquid milk
125 gram butter, unsalted (not problem if we want to be replaced margarine)
100 grams of granulated sugar (choose its fine grain )
125 grams of versatile flour
4 eggs, separated yellow and white
½ teaspoon vanilla powder
½ tsp salt
½ tbsp lemon / lemon juice


Roasted peanut, roughly chopped

Method :

  • Prepare baking pan 20, margarine ointment, baking paper and oles again with margarine.
  • Warm the liquid milk, put the chocolate powder and dark chocolate, stirring until brown dissolves. Enter the butter and half the sugar, stirring until dissolved. Lift.
  • Enter the egg yolk, beat well, can with mixer or whisk.
  • Pour this dough into a little flour while stirring evenly. Add vanilla powder, mix well.
  • Beat egg whites, salt, lemon juice until half expands, enter the rest of the sugar, shake until fluffy.
  • Mix the egg white dough into the egg yolk dough while stirring slowly until smooth.
  • Pour in baking sheet, bake in oven temperature of 180 Degree  for 35 minutes or until done.
  • Slice into several pieces of cake, apply buttercream and roasted peanut seeds.
  • Cake ready to serve.
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Author: Angie dreaht