Valentine Pinky Cake Recipes

Valentine Pinky Cake Recipes

Valentine Pinky Cake Recipes

This Valentine Pinky cake is healthy and “cute looking”. This Valentine cake is a very different cake than ussual cake recipes but still good tasty.


For the dough :

  • 75 g flower
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • 1 msp salt
  • 15 g cornflour
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 orange, the grated zest

For the filling :

  • 2 tbsp strawberry Jam
  • 100 g Marzipan
  • red beet juice
  • additional: spring form, baking paper


  1. Preheat the oven to 160 ° C. Put the eggs together with the sugar au bain marie. Beat the mixer for 5 minutes until you get a thick white mass.
  2. Sift the flour and cornflour little by little under the egg mixture. Fold the flour and orange zest into the batter and add salt.
  3. Place baking paper on the bottom of a spring form and pour in the batter. Bake the biscuit for 45 minutes.
  4. Remove the biscuit from the mold and let it cool on a rack.

Finishing :

  1. Cut two heart shapes out of the biscuit and cut them in half. Brush the halves with strawberry jam. Cover the top with a layer of unrolled marzipan.
  2. Mix 1 tablespoon marzipan with some beetroot juice until you get a pink color. Form a rose with it and place it on the cake.

Happy Pinky Valentine and enjoy your cake .. 🙂

Read also :

Valentine’s Day Cute Rollcake

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Author: Angie dreaht