Beef Steak Apple Puree

Beef steak apple puree

Beef Steak Apple Puree Recipes

Beef Steak Apple Puree for a dinner, try this quick and easy beef dish served on. Just cook the steak and drizzle with apple pure.


  • 1 kg beef steak meat
  • oil
  • 1 tablespoon horseradish mustard
  • salt
  • pepper

Apple puree

  • 1 smaller onion
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/5 celery
  • 1 bigger apple
  • salt
  • white pepper
  • horseradish
  • butter to fry the meat on

Cooking steps

Step 1
Take the beefsteak and season it with salt, pepper, pour oil over it and leave it covered in a bowl. The meat needs to rest for 1-2 weeks in a cold place.

Step 2
Apple puree
Fry the onions in the oil and then add celery you chopped very fine. Pour water over it. After 10 minutes, add in the cubes of apple and spice it. Take the cooked celery and the apple and put it into a blender and blend it. Add horseradish if you like.
Serve with roasted rumpsteak.

Step 3
Fry the prepared beefsteak on butter, on very high flame for about 3-4 minutes on each side. In case you would like a well-done steak prolonge the fry time to 5-6 minutes. Beef Steak with Apple Puree ready to serving.

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