Recipes Cooking fried rice Delcious


Cooking fried rice

Cooking fried rice
Cooking fried rice


  • 5 plates of rice
    75 g smoke beef
    2 pieces of sausage, cut loop
    2-3 chicken eggs
    hundred gram of squid
    100. grm of shrimp
    100 g peas
    50g button mushroom
    100 g chicken meat that has been boiled, diced
    3 tbsp butter for sauteing

Seasoning ingredient

  • 2 cloves of red onion, sliced
    3 cloves of garlic, sliced
    2 pieces of red chilli, sliced
    1/2 onion, chopped
    1tablespoon tomato sauce
    One tbsp of chilli sauce
    1 tablespoon oyster sauce
    soy sauce sufficiently
    chili paste to taste
    salt to taste
    pepper to taste


  • Tomato



  • The first step put butter into the pan until it melts.
  • Then input the onions then garlic and red onion that has been sliced until fragrant.
  • Put chicken pieces, stir-fry.
  • input the shrimp, squid, smoke beef stir until evenly and half cooked.
  • add the egg until mixed on the pan, mix well.
  • Then input button mushrooms, peas and red peppers. Stir until mixed.
  • Put also white rice and stir until it is completely mixed.
  • add the spice given chili paste, until the rice turns red and mixed.
  • Do not forget to give sweet soy sauce according to taste, stir until blended
    Finally add seasoning, salt, powdered broth until evenly distributed, stir and serve while hot.


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Author: Angie dreaht