Author: Angie dreaht
Recipe Pista kaju Rools Delicious ( Indian Food )
Pista kaju Rolls this morning I will cook for many people we help in his health. because they need a nutritious meal to survive. me…
Recipe Banana Roast Deliciuos and Soft
Banana Roast Ingredients Wheat flour which has a protein content is approximately 130 grams only. Baking powder is still active about 0.5 small spoon. baking…
Special Crispy Kastengel Cottage Recipes
Kastengel Cottage This cake is very tasty, we may enjoy it in the morning and evening while drinking tea or coffee with friends, relatives and…
Recipes Nastar Pineapple Cheeses & Soft
Nastar Pineapple Ingredients Low-protein 300 grams. Sugar powder or fine approximately as much as 90 grams. Eggs 2 pieces of yellow. Butter or butter good…
Recipe Cheesecake Delicious ( Cake Sus )
Cheesecake ( Cake Sus ) Ingredients Wheat Flour which has a moderate protein content of 125 grams. Water is clean enough to taste or approximately as…
Recipe Mini Kebab Fried Delicious
Mini Kebab Fried Ingredients 3 pieces of ready-made kebab skin, cut 8 parts the oil for frying Material contents: 150 grams of shrimp peeled, cut…
Recipe Curried Calamari Fish Curry
Curried Calamari Fish Curry Ingredients provide catfish 1 kg belimbing wulung 1ons tomatoes that have been sliced 1 piece cooking oil 2 tablespoons turmeric leaves…
Recipe Laksa Singapore Delicious
Laksa Singapore Ingredients 600 ml of shrimp broth 400 ml thick coconut milk Spices: 7 grains of red onion 4 cloves garlic 1 small sachet…
Recipe Spicy White Tofu Soup mushrooms
Tofu Soup mushrooms Ingredients Mushrooms 1 piece, sliced dice Carrots 1 piece, thin round slices Ear mushrooms to taste, sliced into sections Soun or Misoa 2…
Recipe Flour Fried Chicken KFC Practical
Fried Chicken KFC Ingredients Chicken 1/2 kilo gram (choose the wings yes) wash chicken, Mix with lemon juice to avoid fishy, then wash it back…
Recipe Make Sambal Balado Delicious
Sambal Balado Delicious balado sambal you eat with side dishes and rice , In contrast to samba ijo, the balado sauce is dominated by savory…
Recipes Easy Make Sambal Matah ( Indonesian Food )
Sambal Matah Usually if a visit at a typical Bali restaurant ( Indonesia ), sambal matah this becomes a complementary dish to eat fish or…
Recipe Easy Make Sambal Pecel ( Indonesian Food )
Sambal Pecel If you want practicality, you can just buy a pecel sauce that is sold freely in the market. It’s just for a delicious…