Milky Potato Sweet (Baby Puree)

Potato sweet baby Puree

Milky Potato Sweet (Baby Puree)

This Milky Sweet potato Baby Puree, it’s sweet because the milk !
You can use infant milk, or breast milk if you are still breastfeeding

For 3 meals:

  • 400 g sweet potatoes
  • 1 measuring spoon of 1st or 2nd age milk depending on your baby’s age (or breast milk if you are still breastfeeding)
  • 30 cl of spring water

Directions :

  1. Wash and peel the sweet potatoes before steaming them for about 20 minutes.
  2. In a container, mix the spring water and the milk.
  3. Mix the sweet potatoes with the milk until a smooth and liquid puree is obtained.
  4. Divide the puree into 3 airtight containers and keep them cool or in the freezer.

Another Baby Puree :

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Author: Angie dreaht