Recipes Yakitori Seafood Delicious


Yakitori Seafood

Yakitori Seafood
Yakitori Seafood


  • 10 Shrimp
    3 squid
    1 Cukini fruit
    Right amount of oil
    1 Papprika Red
    Satay pier sufficiently

Lemon Barbeque Sauce

  • 3 tablespoons of barbeque sauce
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1 tablespoon honey
    3 pieces of cayenne pepper slices
    2 tablespoons finely ground peanut


How to Make Sauce

  • Mix the barbeque sauce that has been prepared with other ingredients.
  • Then stir until evenly distributed.
  • If you have, set aside the sauce before use.


  • First clean first the seafood you have prepared.
  • Then split the squid into two parts, then cut into pieces.
  • Then, cut into chunks too.
  • Split the bell pepper into two pieces and then remove the middle part, if it is, diced.
  • If you have, take a skewer, then prawn, squid, courgettes and red peppers.
  • Take the sauce you’ve made before, then spread the seafood and pepper prickly with a barbeque sauce until evenly distributed.
  • Store the roasting tool on the stove, then bake yakitori that has been smeared with sauce.
  • If it has really matured, remove it and serve it on a serving plate that you have prepared.
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Author: Angie dreaht